
Comfort a beneficiary of the charity sitting in a building with a tin roof

Comfort is a young mother from Aboabo. Her two-year-old son attends Aboabo Creche five days a week. Before he started there, Comfort used to carry him to and from Adowso Creche, 40 minute’s walk from home, each day. Now, she has more time to farm, cook, and sell her produce. Here, Comfort tells us why she’s so pleased to have access to top-quality childcare on her doorstep.

Comfort introduced us to several of her peers, other young mothers with children at the Creche. They reported that there are still many pre-schoolers at home in the village. They are keen for the Creche to be expanded, to increase its capacity in terms of space and resources, and improve the prospects for even more Under 5s and their families.

The Aboabo Creche has made such a difference to my life,” Comfort says. “It’s saved me hours of travelling time each day, meaning I can tend to my farm, cook, and sell more. It’s a Godsend for my family. My son couldn’t be in a better place – he’s learning, being taken care of, having a hot meal. I am very happy. Thank you.

Since 2006 we have helped over 33,825 people living in poverty

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