
Ruth, sitting in a chair in the village of Adowso in Ghana as she talks about the new health clinic

Ruth is a seamstress, living in Aboabo with her elderly parents. As a prospective patient, she talks to us about the new Clinic Village by Village is building there.

Ruth explains that when someone in the village is ill, they need to go to Adowso for medical help. That’s more than half an hour’s walk; and transport is difficult to come by. Often, people cannot get the medical help they need in time and the consequences can be fatal. Both she and her parents feel vulnerable without a medical facility nearby, especially as her mother’s health is deteriorating.

The new Clinic will serve Aboabo and five neighbouring villages, with a combined population of more than 1000. Village by Village is building and decorating it; and Ghana Health Service will provide the necessary equipment, supplies and staff. This will be the fifth Clinic the charity has built in the region.

As my parents get older and frail, it’s so good to know there will be a Clinic on our doorstep; it gives us confidence, peace of mind. This new Clinic will transform our community. Truly. It will make everyone feel safer and save lives. Thank you.

Since 2006 we have helped over 33,825 people living in poverty

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Wells, rain water harvesting projects, and boreholes

Health Clinics

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