
Mercy in a yellow tshirt and colourful skirt sitting in a chair in front of the creche

Mercy is a teacher from Gboloo-Kofi. She’s been teaching for five years, the last two of which have been at Aboabo Creche. As Creche Madam here, she talks to us about the impact the Creche has had on her, her young pupils, their families, and the wider community. Aboabo Creche is one of five built and run by Village by Village in Ghana’s rural Eastern Region.

Mercy tells us there is no Government provision for Early Years Education. Normally, children start Kindergarten when they are five years old. This can make life difficult for families with young children: often parents without childcare cannot work; household incomes are squeezed; and families may fall into poverty.

The Aboabo Creche looks after 42 two to four-year-olds for six hours a day. The children have a hot, nutritious lunch; they learn the alphabet, to count, how to hold a pencil; they sing, play and listen to stories; they practise hand washing; and become accustomed to the structure of a school day.

I am so proud to be doing this job, so proud of the creche. As well as taking care of and feeding the children, we’re helping them develop skills that will give them a head-start at Kindergarten, instilling good habits, and sparking a love of learning. Village by Village built this Creche. And we rely on them not only to maintain it, but also for our salaries, resources, food. We’re planning an extension too so we can accommodate more children, help more families. So please continue to donate, volunteer, and help in any way you can. This project is so important.

Since 2006 we have helped over 33,825 people living in poverty

Projects We've built

Schools & preschools

Wells, rain water harvesting projects, and boreholes

Health Clinics

Toilet projects with hand washing programmes

Projects we've run 

Scholarships for children to educate their way out of poverty

Teach2Teach lessons

Villages reached

Girl empowerment projects

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