Your next adventure

Construction Volunteers

Volunteer helping to build a school in Ghana, West Africa

Build a brighter future for some of the world’s poorest communities, roll up your sleeves and get directly involved living and working with locals.

Volunteers on our building projects don’t need to be specialist builders. You just need to have the enthusiasm and have an appetite for hard work. If the idea of getting your hands dirty, bonding with new friends, burning some calories whilst getting a tan appeals, then a building project could be the most rewarding volunteer adventure for you.

You may get directly involved in building; schools, clinics, libraries and water and sanitation projects in remote rural villages normally surrounded on all sides by lush jungles.

Inspiring volunteer stories

More ways you can help change lives for children in rural Africa

Education/Early Learning

Education/Early Learning

Get out there and light up young people’s lives. You can make a positive difference to the next generation. You don’t have to be a qualified teacher (no TEFL required, but you can do more if you do) to volunteer on our teaching/learning project.
Film & Photography and Impact Story Teller

Film & Photography and Impact Story Teller

Got the eye for a great images and story telling? Africa is bursting with vibrant colourful imagery just waiting for that perfect shot. And imagery is one of the more vital ways we can explain how important the charity is to those people living in poverty.
Healthcare (Baby Weighing)

Healthcare (Baby Weighing)

Working with local district nurses you will help deliver public health interventions with activities such as baby weighing, vaccinations and sanitation education, ensuring the youngest community members are happy, healthy and getting stronger every day.

The ADVENTURE starts here!

Break the ice and make contact, we love chatting with volunteers to see if they have what it takes to make a difference, or they are willing to learn.

Be part of the solution not just another well-intentioned young person with a white saviour complex!

Give Anna a call

Office: 0161 870 6300
Mobile: 07887 87 0090

N.B You must be over 18 years old or accompanied by someone over 18 to come out to Africa

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