Volunteer Story

Rachel Hindle

Dates: 12/1/17 - 26/1/17 & 20/1/24 -10/2/24
Nationality: British
Age: 29

Seeing the children welcome you into the village and the lovely village community are amazing. Seeing cattle walk through the village while eating your lunch. It’s out of this world. It was so amazing I went to Ghana with Village by Village twice.

The first time in January 2017 and I volunteered for two weeks. It really opened my eyes to an incredible experience. I worked on a construction site with the building team and worked in schools. At the weekends I enjoyed time with the other volunteers at Cape Coast and Boti Falls. 

The charity is very good with explaining what needs to be done preparing for the trip. I had never been to Africa before so it really pushed me out of my comfort zone and it is one of the best things I have ever done. I will be going back 2024. 

What are you waiting for!  Book to volunteer for this incredible opportunity to help make a difference in other people’s lives. It worked wonders for my mental health at the time. Came back refreshed and happy.

The first time in January 2017 and I volunteered for two weeks. It really opened my eyes to an incredible experience. I worked on a construction site with the building team and worked in schools. At the weekends I enjoyed time with the other volunteers at Cape Coast and Boti Falls. 

The charity is very good with explaining what needs to be done preparing for the trip.

I had never been to Africa before so it really pushed me out of my comfort zone and it is one of the best things I have ever done. I will be going back 2024.

The ADVENTURE starts here!

Break the ice and make contact, we love chatting with volunteers to see if they have what it takes to make a difference, or they are willing to learn.

Be part of the solution not just another well-intentioned young person with a white saviour complex!

Give Anna a call

Office: 0161 870 6300
Mobile: 07887 87 0090
Email: anna@villagebyvillage.org

N.B You must be over 18 years old or accompanied by someone over 18 to come out to Africa

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