What we do..

Girl Empowerment

two girls in classroom in Ghana as part of the girl empowerment programme

“Around the world, hundreds of thousands of women and young girls who menstruate live without access to the safe sanitary products they need. They live in societies that perpetuate untrue taboos and misleading myths, missing school, the opportunity of education and putting their health and safety at risk. Support us to educate and inform the girls and their communities.”

Dr N.P.Swift – MA(Cantab) MB BChir MRCPsych DOccMed – Chair of Village by Village

Our aim is to improve Menstrual Hygiene Management amongst adolescent girls in the village of Abenta and surrounding hamlets. Break the taboo around the menstrual cycle amongst the local community

The Problem

While access to sanitary products and information on menstruation is a basic right for women and girls around the world, in many countries there are huge barriers to Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM). For girls living in poverty, MHM education is essential in ensuring girls get the support they need during their periods and are able to ask questions about menstrual challenges. MHM education is a step towards removing shame from talking about periods for many girls in countries like Ghana. Menstruation is seen as taboo in many African countries therefore girls feel uncomfortable talking to family, peers and teachers, let alone attending school during their cycle. From our research, girls have told us about the stigma around menstruation. This excludes girls from learning about their own bodies and from opportunities to learn about hygiene and safe sanitary products.

Global Period Poverty and stigma around periods is getting worse, girls are struggling with a lack of access to basic information and services, according to a survey of health professionals in 30 countries by global children’s charity, Plan International:

  • Restricted access to products through shortages or disrupted supply chains (reported by 73% of surveyed health professionals)
  • Restricted access to facilities to change, clean and dispose of period products (68%)
  • Lack of access to information and services (54%)
  • Reduced access to clean water to manage periods (51%)

How can Girl Empowerment help?

Our girl empowerment projects aim to reach 20-50 young women and girls to attend our MHM training session. Build a changing room and school urinal in the village of Abenta with rainwater harvesting.

Our approach is through education and increased awareness via trusted community opinion leaders, local community nurses, trusted teachers etc


Break down taboos

Increased knowledge of feminine health & hygiene among students and community members through group meetings, talks & school lessons


Workshops and training

Engage with and support local health providers to give workshops and training on MHM


Keep girls in school

Reduce the rate of deliberate absenteeism among adolescent girls


Access to menstrual supplies

Ensure girls have the tools they need to safely manage their menstrual cycles



Increase knowledge of managing their period at school & home


The Period Kit

Explain reusable menstrual products, how to use them and how to make them


Abenta, Gboloo Kofi

The Impact

Our young women and girls empowerment projects are more than a program; it’s a commitment to reshaping the narrative of these communities and fostering a future where every woman and girl has the tools to thrive. Village by Village is proud to be part of this journey of empowerment and positive transformation. These are just some of the impacts:

Educational Opportunities: Empowered girls have increased access to education, breaking barriers that perpetuate poverty.

Menstrual Health Education: Girls receive education and resources, ensuring they manage menstruation with dignity, and reducing absenteeism.

Economic Independence: Through skill-building initiatives, women become economically independent, contributing to their families and community.

Reduced Gender Disparities: The project actively addresses gender inequalities, promoting a more inclusive and equitable society.

Community Leadership: Women empowered through the project take on leadership roles, influencing positive change within their communities.

Entrepreneurship Opportunities: Training programs create opportunities for women to start businesses, fostering economic growth.

Breaking Stereotypes: The project challenges societal norms and stereotypes, paving the way for a more progressive and open-minded community.

The project was so successful we also crossed into the neighbouring country of Togo and ran the project in several remote rural villages in the Plateaux region.

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Every day, millions of children around the world face injustice and violence. Too many families are suffering needlessly.

But there is hope... Village by Village is a community-led organisation that works with children on effective, long-term solutions to fight poverty and injustice.

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Since 2006 we have helped over 33,825 people living in poverty

Projects We've built

Schools & preschools

Wells, rain water harvesting projects, and boreholes

Health Clinics

Toilet projects with hand washing programmes

Projects we've run 

Scholarships for children to educate their way out of poverty

Teach2Teach lessons

Villages reached

Girl empowerment projects

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