What we do..

Early Years Education

early years education project in Ghana, a child at a desk

We have built 4 pre-schools for the under 4’s and 5 kindergartens. Village by Village runs 2 of these pre-schools that prepare the children to move into the kindergarten class and begin the start of their education. We run a feeding project to support and encourage attendance.

The sessions allow young children to learn by playing with a variety of games that strengthen their cognitive, language, socio-emotional development and health, so the children are more school-ready and perform better in formal education. Health and hygiene activities are incorporated to improve health.

It is a very popular volunteering opportunity.

The Problem

Most parents in rural communities are uneducated and haven’t been taught simple childcare practices or ways to stimulate learning. As poverty is all they’ve known they have low aspirations for themselves and their children. It is not uncommon for very small children to be beaten. There are no organised pre-schools in Ghana, kindergarten quality in these settings is very low.

There are few opportunities for children to learn at home. These challenges lead to poor health, poor education, lost life opportunities and this continues the cycle of poverty. It is estimated that this lost potential reduces adult earning income by 20%. Conversely, children who receive quality early years care are proven to have better school readiness, do better, stay longer in school and gain higher adult earnings. But in the remote communities we work and live in, where most families live in poverty, children do not get these vital opportunities. These problems are not limited to Ghana. There is a global development challenge harming the development of over 200 million children under 5 worldwide and another 250 million children just can’t read.

How can Early Years Education help?

In remote rural villages, where most families live in poverty, Early Years Education is a lifeline that opens doors to a brighter future, breaks the cycle of poverty, and ensures that no child is left behind.

9 Reasons Why Early Years Education in Remote Rural Villages in poverty is vital:


Critical Brain Development

The early years are a period of rapid brain development, and providing education during this time sets the stage for a child’s lifelong learning journey.


Foundation for Lifelong Learning

Early education equips children with essential cognitive, social, and emotional skills, establishing a strong foundation for future learning.


Impact on Later Life

The impact of early education is profound, with its influence continuing throughout a child’s life. Children who receive quality early care tend to achieve higher educational and economic outcomes as adults.


Parental Support

Many parents in rural communities lack knowledge about childcare and learning stimulation. Early education programs fill this gap, educating parents about effective childcare practices.


Breaking the Cycle of Poverty

Poverty often perpetuates itself through generations. Early education disrupts this cycle by raising the aspirations of parents and providing children with opportunities for a brighter future.


Preventing Violence

Early education can help reduce violence against children, offering them a safe and nurturing environment in contrast to common practices like corporal punishment.


Limited Learning Opportunities

In remote villages, learning opportunities at home or in unstructured settings are scarce. Early education programs bridge this gap, ensuring children receive structured learning experiences.


Health and Education

Early education doesn’t just benefit cognitive development but also contributes to better health outcomes, ensuring children have a stronger start in life.


Global Development Challenge

Early Years Education addresses a global challenge that affects over 200 million children under 5 worldwide. It’s a universal issue, and investing in early education initiatives in rural villages can have a far-reaching impact.


Abenta, Aboabo, Anamenampa, Gboloo Kofi, Morso, Obom

The Impact

Independent evaluations of projects of this type working with pre-school age children in Ghana’s poorest villages have shown 53% increase in assessment results after 6 months of early child involvements. These schemes can serve as a channel for other development initiatives like hand washing, the importance of clean water and other low cost, high impact interventions.

Be part of lasting, sustainable change for children in rural Africa

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Volunteering will probably be one of the most worthwhile things that you ever do.

We take around 50 volunteers a year out to Africa. Doctors, Nurses, Teachers, Bricklayers, Mechanics, and students, all pay their own costs and raise money for the projects they work on.

We have opportunities to work on a wide range of projects that save lives and create transformational change.

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Every day, millions of children around the world face injustice and violence. Too many families are suffering needlessly.

But there is hope... Village by Village is a community-led organisation that works with children on effective, long-term solutions to fight poverty and injustice.

Make a one-off/monthly donation or fund an entire school, clinic, or transformational change project.

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Since 2006 we have helped over 33,825 people living in poverty

Projects We've built

Schools & preschools

Wells, rain water harvesting projects, and boreholes

Health Clinics

Toilet projects with hand washing programmes

Projects we've run 

Scholarships for children to educate their way out of poverty

Teach2Teach lessons

Villages reached

Girl empowerment projects

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