What we do..

Digging Wells and Boreholes

In the heat of the African summer in May 2006 we completed our first well to bring clean drinking water to a remote rural village living in poverty of approximately 300 people. The traditional method of obtaining groundwater in rural areas of the developing world, and still the most common, is by means of hand-dug wells.

However, because they are dug by hand their use is restricted to suitable types of ground, such as clays, sands, gravels and mixed soils where only small boulders are encountered. Some communities use the skill and knowledge of local well-diggers, but often the excavation is carried out, under supervision, by the villagers themselves.

The Problem

In remote rural villages across Africa, the scarcity of clean drinking water poses a dire threat to children’s well-being. These communities often resort to water from contaminated sources, fostering waterborne diseases that disproportionately affect the young.

The absence of clean water infrastructure forces children to consume water teeming with pathogens, leading to severe health complications and, tragically, claiming lives. Waterborne illnesses hinder physical and cognitive development, perpetuating a cycle of poverty.

The burden of water collection disproportionately affects young girls, jeopardizing their safety and limiting educational opportunities. Initiatives like Village by Village are pivotal, transforming contaminated water sources into safe reservoirs, saving lives, and fostering thriving communities. Addressing this crisis at its root ensures a brighter, healthier future for generations to come.

How can Digging Wells and Boreholes help?

The volume of the water in the well below the standing water table acts as a reservoir, which can meet demands on it during the day and should replenish itself during periods when there is no abstraction.

Depths of hand-dug wells range from shallow wells, about five metres deep, to deep wells over 20 metres deep.

It is impractical to excavate a well which is less than a metre in diameter; an excavation of about 1.5 metres in diameter provides adequate working space for the diggers and will allow a final internal diameter of about 1.2 metres after the well has been lined.


Abenta, Attabutti, Biuadze, Danwqa, Dump ong, Gboloo Kofi, Kukua A, Kukua B, Mankwadze, Monza, Obom, Onyadze, Sokwenya, and many more

The Impact

The provision of clean water in remote rural villages is nothing short of transformative. Its impact radiates across various facets of community life, particularly for children. First and foremost, clean water significantly improves health outcomes by curbing waterborne diseases. Children, who are often the most vulnerable, experience a marked reduction in illnesses, leading to increased school attendance and academic performance.

Clean water access also empowers women and girls who bear the brunt of water collection responsibilities, freeing up their time for education and income-generating activities. The establishment of water infrastructure enhances overall community well-being, ensuring a sustained positive impact on public health. Hygiene practices improve, further safeguarding the health of children and families.

Moreover, clean water serves as a catalyst for economic development. Healthy individuals are more productive, breaking the cycle of poverty. The ripple effect extends to improved agriculture, sanitation, and community resilience. Village by Village’s commitment to providing clean water contributes not only to immediate health benefits but also lays the foundation for a thriving, self-sufficient community with boundless opportunities for growth.

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Every day, millions of children around the world face injustice and violence. Too many families are suffering needlessly.

But there is hope... Village by Village is a community-led organisation that works with children on effective, long-term solutions to fight poverty and injustice.

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Since 2006 we have helped over 33,825 people living in poverty

Projects We've built

Schools & preschools

Wells, rain water harvesting projects, and boreholes

Health Clinics

Toilet projects with hand washing programmes

Projects we've run 

Scholarships for children to educate their way out of poverty

Teach2Teach lessons

Villages reached

Girl empowerment projects

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