We are sometimes asked to build a new school by a community in poverty because the nearest Primary or Junior High School is too far away for their children to walk back and forth plus their chores and their homework. In some cases, it is not practical due to the catchment area or estimated school population to build a new school. In these cases, we provide and maintain a push bike for children living far from a school. We find this a cost-effective way to keep pupils in schools in the more remote villages.

The Problem
Some children attending the schools we support are missing valuable hours in education due to the time they spend travelling to and from school. They cannot attend extracurricular activities and are often tired when at school following long walks up to 1 hour 30 mins. Children living in the remotest villages miss out on education and those who make it to school struggle with exhaustion.
How can Cycle2Success help?
Helping 160 children to conquer distance as their key barrier to educational attainment.
When you live far from school, a long walk on a hot day doesn’t help with your concentration, it’s a lot faster and a lot more fun on a bike. Our Cycle2Success project gets kids to school on time, fit and ready to learn. Through our Cycle2Success programme, kids can get to school while learning road safety and bike maintenance.
Abenta, Apus Wawase, AttabuiThe Impact
The Cycle2Success program has been one successful program and we are grateful to our volunteers and donors for making this happen. Education of these young ones just became a bit more fun as they don’t have to trek long distances to come to school.
Life was very difficult, because I had to walk to school. The distance from my house to the school is very far so sometimes,I do not even come to school.
Now I can come to school very early, and I also get enough rest before school starts. Now I hope to study very well and become a doctor in the future.
Bernard – 15 years old
Be part of lasting, sustainable change for children in rural Africa

Volunteer Overseas
Volunteering will probably be one of the most worthwhile things that you ever do.
We take around 50 volunteers a year out to Africa. Doctors, Nurses, Teachers, Bricklayers, Mechanics, and students, all pay their own costs and raise money for the projects they work on.
We have opportunities to work on a wide range of projects that save lives and create transformational change.
Without volunteers, many projects would not exist. Discover our volunteer opportunities.
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Every day, millions of children around the world face injustice and violence. Too many families are suffering needlessly.
But there is hope... Village by Village is a community-led organisation that works with children on effective, long-term solutions to fight poverty and injustice.
Make a one-off/monthly donation or fund an entire school, clinic, or transformational change project.
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Since 2006 we have helped over 33,825 people living in poverty
Projects We've built

Schools & preschools
Wells, rain water harvesting projects, and boreholes
Health Clinics
Toilet projects with hand washing programmes
Projects we've run