Key Travel group arrive in a hot and sweaty Ghana for three days to see the work at Obom primary school that they have funded. Akwaaba. #ghana #villagebyvillage #keytravel #development #abenta

Key Travel group arrive in a hot and sweaty Ghana for three days to see the work at Obom primary school that they have funded. Akwaaba. #ghana #villagebyvillage #keytravel #development #abenta

We know its important that you know exactly where your money is going so using low-cost or no-cost web based technologies we are trying to bring donors and recipients closer together and show donors exactly where their money is being spent. This photograph was taken...
Girls from Mantukwa rocking their new shirts. They received it as Rewards for being regular and punctual at club meetings. Thank you @child_ish for the support. #girlsempowerment #nofear #girlscanchangetheworld #childish #villagebyvillage #ghana

Girls from Mantukwa rocking their new shirts. They received it as Rewards for being regular and punctual at club meetings. Thank you @child_ish for the support. #girlsempowerment #nofear #girlscanchangetheworld #childish #villagebyvillage #ghana

We know its important that you know exactly where your money is going so using low-cost or no-cost web based technologies we are trying to bring donors and recipients closer together and show donors exactly where their money is being spent. This photograph was taken...