We made this video a few years ago. The little girl in the video is getting close to leaving school now, the school that we (you and all our supporters) built for her. She’s in good health because we built a health clinic in her village too and we employed two of her five siblings. Her life is better because of us. Donate and let us do it again in a different village to a different little girl, but as ever, we need your money to make this happen – http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/charities/villagebyvillage

We made this video a few years ago. The little girl in the video is getting close to leaving school now, the school that we (you and all our supporters) built for her. She’s in good health because we built a health clinic in her village too and we employed two of her five siblings. Her life is better because of us. Donate and let us do it again in a different village to a different little girl, but as ever, we need your money to make this happen – http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/charities/villagebyvillage

We know its important that you know exactly where your money is going so using low-cost or no-cost web based technologies we are trying to bring donors and recipients closer together and show donors exactly where their money is being spent. This photograph was taken...
The creche building in Obom is now completed and the village by Village building team is very proud and happy. Hopefully, this school block is going to redeem thousand of lives from poverty #villagebyvillage #Ghana #Obomcrechebuild

The creche building in Obom is now completed and the village by Village building team is very proud and happy. Hopefully, this school block is going to redeem thousand of lives from poverty #villagebyvillage #Ghana #Obomcrechebuild

We know its important that you know exactly where your money is going so using low-cost or no-cost web based technologies we are trying to bring donors and recipients closer together and show donors exactly where their money is being spent. This photograph was taken...