It is coming together now, outside coat is now finish for the ferrocement tank, pilot project for Abenta school, long term solution for rain water harvesting to enable kids in the Abenta school to get water to wash their jands in the dry season #Ghana #villagebyvillage #ferrocement #cleanhandssaveslives

It is coming together now, outside coat is now finish for the ferrocement tank, pilot project for Abenta school, long term solution for rain water harvesting to enable kids in the Abenta school to get water to wash their jands in the dry season #Ghana #villagebyvillage #ferrocement #cleanhandssaveslives

We know its important that you know exactly where your money is going so using low-cost or no-cost web based technologies we are trying to bring donors and recipients closer together and show donors exactly where their money is being spent. This photograph was taken...
Thank you Erin for shearing your experience after your 2 weeks with the charity In Ghana , we are much greatfull for the hard work that you and India put out safe flightv. #villagebyvillage #volunteer #Ghana

Thank you Erin for shearing your experience after your 2 weeks with the charity In Ghana , we are much greatfull for the hard work that you and India put out safe flightv. #villagebyvillage #volunteer #Ghana

We know its important that you know exactly where your money is going so using low-cost or no-cost web based technologies we are trying to bring donors and recipients closer together and show donors exactly where their money is being spent. This photograph was taken...