The formwork for the inside of the ferrocement water tank has been removed and its ready to start mortaring the inside. One step closer to a functioning tank! #villagebyvillage #Ghana #ferrocement

The formwork for the inside of the ferrocement water tank has been removed and its ready to start mortaring the inside. One step closer to a functioning tank! #villagebyvillage #Ghana #ferrocement

We know its important that you know exactly where your money is going so using low-cost or no-cost web based technologies we are trying to bring donors and recipients closer together and show donors exactly where their money is being spent. This photograph was taken...
Just finished a new canopy for the Kay Clinic in Gboloo Kofi. Snakes were falling out of the old grass canopy on to the waiting patients so with the support of the Eric Kay Charitable Trust Aikins planned a new iron roofed canopy and Emma built it. Great project. Happy nurses and patients.

Just finished a new canopy for the Kay Clinic in Gboloo Kofi. Snakes were falling out of the old grass canopy on to the waiting patients so with the support of the Eric Kay Charitable Trust Aikins planned a new iron roofed canopy and Emma built it. Great project. Happy nurses and patients.

We know its important that you know exactly where your money is going so using low-cost or no-cost web based technologies we are trying to bring donors and recipients closer together and show donors exactly where their money is being spent. This photograph was taken...