Education is the most powerful and effective way to address global poverty. In Ghana, education is free up to the age of 18, but to attend school you need shoes and a uniform. If you are living in poverty and have several children the first hit to get all your children to school is sometimes just too much.

The Problem
Literacy is the cornerstone of all learning and fundamental for participation in today’s global society, yet 793 million people across the globe lack the ability to read and write.
How can Scholarships help?
We work with the local Head Masters and village Chiefs to identify those families in the greatest need and provide shoes, books, pencils, bags, belts and a uniform.
The Impact
Educating girls and women is widely acknowledged as the most powerful and effective way to address global poverty, teaching children to read opens a door so that they can read every medicine bottle, employment ad and ballot form they encounter.
Finishing secondary school leads to smaller, healthier families, lower HIV infection rates, and higher wages. Educated women are more likely to educate their own children – ending the cycle of illiteracy in one generation.
So far we have granted over 700 scholarships in over 70 remote rural villages.
Be part of lasting, sustainable change for children in rural Africa

Volunteer Overseas
Volunteering will probably be one of the most worthwhile things that you ever do.
We take around 50 volunteers a year out to Africa. Doctors, Nurses, Teachers, Bricklayers, Mechanics, and students, all pay their own costs and raise money for the projects they work on.
We have opportunities to work on a wide range of projects that save lives and create transformational change.
Without volunteers, many projects would not exist. Discover our volunteer opportunities.
Donate to a project, or fund one!
Every day, millions of children around the world face injustice and violence. Too many families are suffering needlessly.
But there is hope... Village by Village is a community-led organisation that works with children on effective, long-term solutions to fight poverty and injustice.
Make a one-off/monthly donation or fund an entire school, clinic, or transformational change project.
Will you be a part of this long-term change, by making a donation today?
Since 2006 we have helped over 33,825 people living in poverty
Projects We've built

Schools & preschools
Wells, rain water harvesting projects, and boreholes
Health Clinics
Toilet projects with hand washing programmes
Projects we've run